The website uses cookies to optimize services according to users’ needs and preferences.

Cookie Definition
Cookies are small text files that websites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are stored and then retransmitted to the same sites upon subsequent visits. Cookies are then saved on the user’s computer and used to improve navigation by storing the username and preferences entered. This avoids entering the same information (username and password) multiple times during the visit.

Cookies measure the use of services by users to optimize functions based on users’ interests and behavior manifested during navigation. Individual cookies can be managed by setting your browser appropriately, as indicated in this cookie policy. Disabling the cookies used by our site may affect the browsing experience.

Types of Cookies

Technical cookies include persistent and session cookies. Blocking these cookies may limit or prevent some functions of the site from working properly. Cookies in this category are always sent by our domain. They allow the site to function correctly. The Organizing Authority “Trofeo Marco Rizzotti” is not required to request the user’s consent for technical cookies, as these are strictly necessary for the provision of the service. We regularly use this type of cookie.

Analytical cookies are used to collect information about the use of the site, and the Organizing Authority “Trofeo Marco Rizzotti” may use this information for statistical analysis to improve the site, simplify its use, and monitor its proper functioning. This type of cookie collects information anonymously about users’ activities on the site and how they arrived at the site and the pages visited. Cookies in this category are sent by the site itself or by third-party domains. For this type of cookie, consent can be expressed by the user in one or more of the following ways:
– Through specific configurations of the browser used or the related computer programs used to navigate the pages that make up the site.
– By changing the settings in the use of third-party services.
Both of these solutions may prevent the user from using or viewing parts of the site.

These are cookies used to track user navigation online and create profiles based on tastes, habits, and choices. Through the use of these cookies, advertising messages can be sent to the user’s terminal in line with preferences already expressed by the user during online navigation. Profiling cookies can be installed on the user’s terminal only if the user expresses consent after being informed in a simplified manner about tastes, habits, and choices.

These cookies collect information anonymously about the use of the website by visitors, the keywords used to reach the portal, the websites visited, and the sources of traffic from which visitors come for sending informative emails about subscribed services. The Organizing Authority “Trofeo Marco Rizzotti” may use this information to compile reports and improve the site. Cookies of this type are sent by the site itself or by third-party domains.

This type of cookie is used to integrate third-party functionalities into the Site (e.g., comment modules or social sharing icons that allow visitors to share the content of the site). These cookies may be sent by third-party domains and by partner sites or sites that offer the functionalities present on the Site. The portal contains links to other websites that have their own privacy policies, which may differ from those adopted by the Organizing Authority “Trofeo Marco Rizzotti,” which is not responsible for third-party sites.

Cookies Used:
1. _ga. Third-party analytical cookie. Duration: 2 years.
2. gat. c. Third-party analytical cookie. Duration: 1 day.
3. _gat_gtag_UA_144046826_3. Third-party analytical cookie. Duration: 1 day.
4. _gid. Third-party analytical cookie. Duration: 1 day.
5. _lscache_vary. Technical cookie. Duration: 1 day.
6. wordpress_logged_in. Session technical cookie.
7. wordpress_test_cookie. Session technical cookie.
8. wp-settings-1. Technical cookie. Duration: 1 year.
9. wp-settings-time-1. Technical cookie. Duration: 1 year.
10. cookie accept. Session technical cookie. Necessary for managing cookie preferences. Duration: 1 year.

Guide to Disable Cookies by Browser Configuration:

• Chrome
• Mozilla Firefox
• Internet Explorer
• Safari 7

Guide to Disable Third-Party Cookies:

• Facebook
• Instagram
• Google services

Consent can be expressed by the interested party, in accordance with current regulations, through specific configurations of the browser and computer programs or devices that are easy and clear to use for the user (Articles 4 no. 11 and 7 Reg. EU no. 2016/679). At any time, the user can change cookie preferences and disable them from the browser, although this operation may prevent the interested party from using some parts of the Site.

This page is visible via a link in the footer menu on all pages of the Site. It is noted that, for more information on cookies, the user can visit the FAQ page on the website of the Privacy Guarantor at